Judging and Rules



S&CO's judging principles are straightforward and take concept, plot, story arc, pace and tone, dialogue, characters, stakes, heart and logic into consideration - not forgetting 'voice', and sheer enjoyability.

Rest assured, your script won't be assessed by holiday-job students who haven't studied craft. We interview and train our readers, so they know exactly what to look for. 

Ideally, scripts should be submitted anonymously via FilmFreeway. We will not disqualify you if your name is there, but to avoid unconscious bias we prefer entrants to remove their name and other details from the cover/title page (except for a mobile/cell phone number). You may, if you wish, place a logline below your script's title, but please don't add other details such as a synoposis, your bio or a preamble. The script's the thing.

All SCRIPTWRITERS & CO INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL submissions will be judged as follows:


We will publish lists of all Quarter-Finalists, Semi-Finalists and Finalists on our website and in social and other media, as they are announced. Finalists will be invited to attend the Festival free of charge.

NOTE: You may initially be informed that your script is a Quarter-Finalist. However, that will not necesssarily be your final destination in our contest. The same goes for each script as it progresses through the competition.

Runners-up and winners will be announced at the Festival.

By entering, you confirm that you have read and accept the competition rules.


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